Size chart for a Polo T-Shirt

Size chart for a Polo T-Shirt

It's a piece of clothing that frequently inspires groove and style. It is the ideal silhouette for the numerous occasions in life that are neither overly formal nor completely casual, falling somewhere in between a t-shirt and a formal shirt.

When it comes to measuring the perfect fit for your polo tshirt you must keep a few things in mind. Since every other fashion label is marketing polo shirts, and each one of them has minor differences in their measuring patterns and size charts, we’re here to guide you to get the right shirt for your body type. What is necessary as a buyer is that you keep your measurements updated in order to get the perfect fit. 

To have a clean sharp look it's necessary to have a clean chic fitting because it's the make or break! 

Lay the shirt out on a leveled, firm and flat  surface and iron out any creases before we begin measuring.  

Steps for Measuring a Polo Shirt  

Step 1—Measure the distance between the center of the neck and the end of the shoulder (where the sleeve starts).  

Step 2—Measure the length of the sleeve from shoulder to wrist.  

Step 3—Calculate the distance between each shoulder.  

Step 4—Ensure that the tape is flat across the back and place it just under the arms.  

Step 5—Measure the circumference of your waist while the Polo Shirt lies flat on the ground.  

Step 6—From one side to the other, measure the Hem  

Step 7—For front length calculate by taking a measurement from the top of the shoulder to the desired hemline.  

Step 8—While lying flat, measure the width of the sleeve at its widest point.  

You’re done with measuring at this point.

Some Extra Tips  

A flexible measuring tape at least 36 inches long should be used. Do not attempt to measure clothing with a conventional 12′′ ruler, because the results will be wrong. If you don't already have one and this is kind of an emergency, you can always get a printable measuring tape online.

Now when you've understood the measuring routine, we still have a general quite common size chart in clothes


Hopefully now you have the perfect measurements to buy your best polo shirt fit!