How The Colours of Your Underwear Boost Your Mood

How The Colours of Your Underwear Boost Your Mood

Did you know that the colour of your underwear can affect your mood? It's true. As per some of the top colour response experts, the colour of your underwear has a huge impact on how you feel. There is a huge probability that you might feel irritated or dull at times due to your underwear colours. Each colour vibrates at a different frequency, and the consequences of these vibrations may be felt throughout your entire body, including your brain. Thus, choosing the appropriate colours, especially for your underwear, can improve and even transform your daily life. Here is a guide on how a few underwear colours can alter your mood and personality for the day.


1.) Black

Black is one of the most traditional and common underwear colours. It can give you a feeling of masculinity and amazement. A man who prefers black underwear enjoys the feeling of elegance and royal superiority. Gloot has a great collection of black underwear. Here is a comfortable black underwear that you can buy from Gloot.



2.) Blue

One of the most calming underwear colours is blue. It is advised to wear it on a day when you have a lot of work or going through some sort of chaos. The colour is so beloved by men of all ages that it has come to be identified with them. It also helps in feeling compassionate. The colour blue also gives a vibe of being dependable and confident. Check out this perfect blue colour underwear from Gloot.



3.) Red

This is one of those underwear colours that help you feel like an extrovert and give you that extra push for self-confidence. This colour helps in feeling energetic, enthusiastic and vigorous. Check out this amazing red underwear from Gloot that is made up of extremely soft cotton.



4.) Grey

Grey colour underwear is everyone's go-to item. While it may seem like a dark depressing colour, grey has the capability of making you feel sophisticated and calm.  Its neutrality is something that can help you keep a clear head during tense situations. Check out this grey-coloured underwear from Gloot.



5.) Green

Green is a colour that makes you feel secure and gives you a feeling of empathy. It is quickly becoming everyone's favourite. This colour has a deep tone that provides you with a positive feeling. Check out this anti-odor green underwear from Gloot.




These are some of the most popular underwear colours that can greatly influence your mood in a particular way. According to a well-known researcher, it is majorly because of our base chakra that evokes certain feelings. Thus, it is important to get the colour right as per the event and purpose.